Frequently asked questions about mould removal
Mould growing inside of your house or even at the workplace is a somewhat off-putting but common problem. It grows in dark and damp places that no one would ever think of checking.
It is for this reason that you should do regular checks of your household so that any leakage or pipe burst issue can be addressed immediately before it is too late.
As common as the problem is, the majority of the people are still uninformed when it comes to knowing about moulds.
It is for this reason that in this article, we will answer some of the frequent and common questions that people have about mould, its causes, and types.
Q1. What exactly are moulds?
Moulds are a member of the fungus family. Some other types of fungus that you might have heard of or might have seen are mushrooms, yeast, and mildew. They could be found inside the house as well as outside. Moulds help to decompose organic materials like wood and leaves, which is an important process of the environment.
Q2. What helps mould grow?
Food and water are the two things that are necessary for mould to grow. There are some types of moulds that favour extremely humid conditions or moisture to grow in.
Although we cannot control the outside weather, we can control what happens inside of our home.
Keeping an eye on rusty old machines, getting the ventilation or the air conditioning system checked from time to time, and looking in dark and damp places in the household would help in avoiding mould from forming.
Q3. Are moulds dangerous?
Most of the moulds that you see growing inside or outside of the house are not really dangerous to our health. But, some could trigger allergic reactions and even respiratory problems for some people while others may not feel a thing.
If you allergic to moulds or have respiratory problems then some of the symptoms that you may face are congestion, runny nose, skin rash, sneezing, watery red eyes, and an increase in asthma attacks to people who already suffer from it.
People who were suffering from these symptoms may have to move away until the mould is cleared. But, once it is taken care of, there wouldn’t be anything to worry about as the person would be able to breathe and live as they did before the mould formed.
Q4. How can you prevent mould from forming?
The one thing that could really help you prevent mould from forming inside your home is if you do regular checks of the house. From the basement to all the nooks and corners of the house have to be checked from time to time so that even if any mould has formed, it could be taken care of in the initial stage itself. If you have any water leaks or any old rusty pipes that are waiting to burst or leak then you should have them fixed immediately.
If somehow there was water damage in the household then it is best to dry out the area as soon as possible so the water doesn’t spread or seep through the floor and does more damage.
These are some of the mould-related questions that are very common and frequently asked by people.
Having the basic information about moulds will help you be properly equipped if any such problem occurs. It could also suggest you ways in which you could prevent the mould from forming in your home.
It is best to prevent the mould from growing as it can cause health complications in some people especially if they already had health-related problems like asthma or allergies.